Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Easy Bloomin' It

Well, the garden so far has had mixed results. The first few squashes formed and promptly fell off and rotted away. And then the plant came down with what I think is powdery mildew.

The lettuce has been a success and I have harvested a little for salads. The spinach just up and died overnight. And the carrots, I think, are going to make it.

So I was jazzed to open a Christmas package from Amanda Stinnett the other day. It was an Easy Bloom Plant Sensor. It will tell you when the plants need water, diagnose problems and help decide which plants to put in empty spots. (Thank you, Amanda, it's AWESOME!)

It's been hard at work since the day we got it. The first day it told me I needed to water every single plant. It literally beeped with everything but the banana trees. Then I set it to monitor mode for the squash. It determined that everything was fine as far as light, water and temperature. (But we have had the coolest week of the year here). The plant sensor is now monitoring the carrots. We'll see what the report is on those.

My lingering problem is getting the squashes not to fall off before they grow. After a little research I found that they weren't getting fertilized. I guess there aren't enough bees around. So next time a male and female flower bloom, I'm gonna have to hand fertilize them. Hopefully that will happen soon!


  1. I'm pretty jazzed that the plant sensor is working so well! I hope you have a productive garden soon!!!

  2. You should be getting that weed growin' LOL,,I'm kidding,,,,I ain't touched that crap in years....
    I was a good gardener back at Dot's crib,,,I can't grow anything here,,I got 4 pitiful tomatoes last year...I hope your garden grows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BLAH!!!! HA HA HA HA,,sorry I hadda say it..........OK kidding aside,,I hope it all works out for ya...
    Tha D to tha J to tha C,,all up in this hizzie.............

  3. What a great gadget! I've never heard of such a thing!
