Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lunch on Captiva

Today was a good day.

I had to go to Captiva for an assignment today to photograph one of the houses on the beach behind one of the many gates that line Captiva Drive. It was a cool house with an amazing view.

It was my last assignment of the day, so I decided to eat my lunch on the beach. It was a beautiful blue-sky day, 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. It felt so good to sit there and listen to the tiny waves crash on the sand.

This was a very welcome change because I usually eat lunch in the car or at my desk at work. And I never go to the beach. Maybe I should start going more.......


  1. wish i could've been there too. :)

  2. Hi Amanda
    sounds like fun.. we are getting snow tonight!
    hope to see you soon... :)
