Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Your Prayers Please

My grandmother (Mema) has been sick in the hospital with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. Dad seemed to think she was doing better yesterday afternoon, but last night my dad called and said that he thought I needed to come home after all. She told my aunt Julie yesterday that she knew she didn't have much time left and she wanted to see her grandbabies.
So I am off to North Carolina on Saturday morning and coming back home on Sunday night. It's a quick trip, but I definitely want to see her while I can still talk to her. Please pray for her.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that - what a quick change from when I talked to you last night. Your Mema is in our prayers and send our love to your dad too. Love you and have a safe flight.

  2. Of course. Safe travels and hugs to Jackie and Judy
