The trip to the Keys for Molly's bachelorette party was a success! We all stayed together at the bars in Key West and all got in the cab to go back to Big Pine Key on time. This is an amazing feat considering there were 16 of us. Only one west home early with a headache.
We had a great time celebrating Molly's upcoming wedding on 10/10/10 in St. Lucia. The weekend confirmed what a great friend Molly is to everyone. Each girl said that Molly had gone out of her way to make her feel welcome when they met, and she did the same for me when I got to the News-Press seven years ago. I don't know what I would do without her. Anytime I need anything Molly is there. And her motto throughout the trip was "I love you all equally."
So, thank you Molly, for including me in the weekend and for being a great friend. I had an amazing time! I love you and congratulations. I know you and Chris will have a wonderful life together.
Here are a few pics. I didn't take many because I only took the point and shoot camera and the video camera. I shot more than an hour of video of our night in Key West. And while we were out in Key West, I left the camera at the house. The less to keep up with, the better.

This was the crazy upside down rainbow over Key West when I arrived on the boat on Saturday.

And here's two pics of the view from the house where we stayed on Big Pine Key.

This is looking back toward our house from the boat. Every time I go to the Keys I marvel at how blue it really is. Just beautiful!

These are the crafty vests the girls made with vintage stencils and paint for Chris's huntin' bachelor party next weekend. I think most of their significant others were going. So cute.