Monday, May 17, 2010

MMMM...butternut squash

Tonight I cooked the one butternut squash that we were able to harvest, and I must say it was sooooo good. I wish there were more, but hey, there's always next year.

In the meantime, we now have about 5 watermelons growing away every day.......

I've also made a list of places we're going to visit when we go to Boone this summer to scout wedding locations. Besides the houses we're looking into, we may visit The Mast Farm Inn, McRae Meadow by Grandfather Mountain, the Moses Cone Estate and Blue Ridge Parkway, Julian Price Park and Shady Grove Gardens -- an organic flower farm with a wedding site for rent. Pretty exciting....


  1. So you found new venues? I haven't heard you mention most of those yet...

  2. McRae Meadows and Moses Cone and the parkway would be wedding only locations.

  3. Pick Us, Pick Us :-)
